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We welcome you to our medical website. The health of our teeth, their aesthetic appearance and a bright smile are a mirror of our health. The clinic is dedicated to providing specialized dental care to our patients. Dr Alexandra Voganatsi is a dentist specializing in Periodontics as well as in Implant Surgery. Diagnosis and treatment, and especially the prevention of periodontal disease, is of the utmost importance for oral health. Periodontitis, a silent gum disease that results in loss of the bone which supports the teeth and therefore tooth loss in advanced stages, is treatable and often reversible in the early stages. Early treatment by the specialist ensures that the patient maintains his or her teeth to the fullest extent possible. The Implantology services are also offered at the clinic. In the case of partial or total edentulism (loss of one, more or all teeth), implant therapies are performed according to the specific problem. The treatment plan is decided jointly with a team of dentists and the restoration is provided with the most up-to-date techniques of computerized guided surgery. Our goal and effort is to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible. That is why we place great importance on information, communication and collaboration with our patients.


What is a Periodontist


A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal (gum) disease and in the placement and maintenance of dental implants. Periodontists are experts in the treatment of all forms of periodontal disease, including gingivitis, periodontitis, and gingival recession.


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